Reply To: Draft Budget 08-30-23 Comments
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1. Need to add.
2. Added $2,649
3. Yes
4. Council majority wanted to end ditch mowing. Ditch maintenance is in a separate account.
5. 6281-50 is an offset to Sales Tax collected. Council approved getting bids for resurfacing of Fairfield and Baywood. Since we have not executed a contract for that yet, no funds have been spent. We currently have $293k in that account for the road resurfacing and are seeking bids.
6285-50 is for ditch maintenance. We increased that amount because we ended the ditch mowing.
6. That is through 10 months. Fiscal year begins October 1st.
7. 6225-10 is an account that should have been used for maintenance of city property not specifically tied to one of the departments. We are going to use that account properly this year. An example would be repair of the electronic sign at the entrance to the city.
8. 6245-10 At this point we are trying to consolidate accounts. We may go back to using this one for miscellaneous spending but have not decided yet.
9. 6971-10 Thank you, that was an oversight. This is warehouse storage. We need to determine the best way forward. For now, I have added $2,640 for next year.
10. 6234-70 This is another example of consolidating and correcting coding of expenditures.
11. 6369-70 The overbudget amount is the project that council approved for water line restoration that was no part of the bond money.