Heavy trash week of Sept. 27 – Oct. 1
Good morning.
Due to the amount of debris from Hurricane Nicholas the city has moved the fall Clean up/Green up to the week of September 27th through October 1st.
The trucks will start on the east side of the city beginning Monday morning and will work their way to the west side. There will only be one pass through the city so have your debris on the curb by Monday, September 27th at 7:00 am.
As a reminder your trash/building materials must be separate from your vegetation. If you mix your piles with both vegetation and trash/building materials it will not be picked up and you will be responsible for its disposal. Any items with freon in them (refrigerators, freezers, air-conditioners, etc.) must have the freon removed and property tagged.
Please let your neighbors know about this change in dates.
Mayor Jennings