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You’re Invited to A Heartfelt Christmas Celebration in Shoreacres!

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

We are thrilled to invite you to our 1st annual Christmas celebration! Join us for an evening of holiday cheer, fun, and community spirit.

Date: December 2, 2024
Time: 5pm to 8pm 
Location: City Hall

Enjoy festive activities, including:

  • Ice slide
  • Trackless train ride
  • Snow
  • A visit, photos, and Storytime with Santa & Mrs. Claus
  • Delicious treats & hot cocoa
  • Tree lighting ceremony
  • Holiday crafts & decorations
  • Face painting
  • Inflatable fun and more

Come celebrate the magic of the season with family and friends. Let’s make this Christmas unforgettable!

We can’t wait to see you there!

Warm wishes,

David Jennings
Mayor/City of Shoreacres

City Auction: 2016 Chevrolet Tahoe

August 26, 2024

The City of Shoreacres will be conducting an auction of a used Chevrolet Tahoe that was in use in the City of Shoreacres until it was placed out of service. This equipment is sold “as is.”  

The Chevrolet Tahoe is a 2016 year model and will start but is not legal to be operated on public roads due to not having a valid inspection and up to date registration. It is available to view in its current state by appointment during normal business hours by making an appointment at (281) 471-2244.

The City will accept sealed offers at Shoreacres City Hall in person from August 26, 2024 until September 12, 2024 during normal business hours and on September 13, 2024 from 9:00 am until 10:00 am. The sealed offers will be opened at 10:00 am on September 13, 2024 in the council chambers located at 601 Shore Acres Blvd, Shoreacres, TX 77571. You are welcome to attend the event as it will be open to the public. 

The following procedures will be used as guidelines:

  • All offers must be in writing and contain your name, address, phone number, email and the amount of your offer in dollars and cents
  • The offer must be placed in a sealed envelope and delivered to City Hall by the end date and time
  • City staff will accept the envelope and mark it with the date and time of arrival, any exact bids received will be honored by the first one received
  • The auction item will be auctioned “as is,” with no warranty or refund
  • Payment must be received by 5:00 pm on September 17, 2024. If not received by then, it will go to the next highest bidder
  • The winner of the item assumes all responsibility for the pickup and delivery of the item. It must be removed from the current location no later than 12 noon on September 20, 2024. 
  • Payment must be by check, money order, cashier’s check, cash or credit card (plus 5% for credit card fee)
  • Bill of sale provided upon request

For any questions, please contact City Manager Troy Harrison at (281) 471-2244 during normal business hours. 

Hurricane Beryl Recovery Update Thursday, July 18th 

Good afternoon. I want to give you an update on where the city stands in our Hurricane Beryl recovery process. 

As of this morning, CenterPoint is reporting that one residence in Shoreacres is still without power.

Vegetation pickup started this morning and will continue for several weeks. We may be able to speed that up as more equipment becomes available but for now I anticipate that it will be 3 to 4 weeks to complete everything. It is critical for you to remember that this pickup round is for vegetation only and that NO PALM TREES will be picked up. Palm trees are considered trash and you must place them in a separate pile. If you mix palm trees in with your vegetation pile, the trucks will skip it and you will be responsible for removal of the entire pile. 

It is also important for you to have everything out to the street before the trucks service your street. Once they pickup on your street, they will not return and you will be responsible for removal.

The biggest structural damage is privacy fences. If your fence is more than 50% damaged, you are required to go to City Hall and obtain a permit. We have waived the fee for this but because of our relationship with FEMA and flood insurance policy discounts, we have to follow our ordinances. Our residents receive a substantial discount on flood insurance and we do not want to lose that.

Garbage service has returned to normal. 

Blessings to you and your family. 

Mayor Jennings

Hurricane Beryl Recovery Update Monday, July 15th

Good morning. I wanted to give you a short update on the recovery efforts that are ongoing.

As of 7:45 am, CenterPoint is reporting that the number of homes in Shoreacres without power is down to 266. They expect that number to be lowered again today but some of us will most likely be without power until Wednesday or Thursday. Crews have not made it to the back areas of the N Country Club area.

Thus far we have had two homes reporting water ingress of 1-2 inches. One of the homeowners reporting has asked for information on sandbagging for future incidents. Troy and I will research this but if you have any information or can point us in the right direction, we would much appreciate it. 

Debris cleanup will not begin until Wednesday at the earliest. Remember to keep your vegetation separate from trash and other debris. Palm trees are considered trash: please do not place them in your vegetation pile.

Harris County Precinct 2 Commissioner Adrian Garcia and his staff continue to offer support to our residents. As I mentioned yesterday, there are two cooling centers open near us. A complete list of centers may be found here: Cooling Centers ( They also have coordinated Points of Distribution for water and food, hot meals, ice, and other supplies. You can keep up with their activities on Facebook or Nextdoor.

Finally, this morning, I want to show you one of the many acts of kindness that our residents have been doing. One of our elderly residents was in dire straits without food or power. City Utility Clerk Bernie Anderson has been coordinating help all week long. Yesterday a team lifted her fence back into place. Here is a picture of them. These acts of kindness are happening throughout the city. It is awesome to see.

Blessings to you and your family.

Mayor Jennings

Hurricane Beryl Recovery Update Sunday, July 14th

Good afternoon. I wanted to update you again on the recovery efforts that are ongoing.

We participated in a call with Precinct 2 Commissioner Garcia, local mayors, and emergency response teams from the cities in our region this afternoon. 

As of 4:00 pm, CenterPoint is reporting that 298 homes in Shoreacres are without power. That is pretty close to my anecdotal guesstimate of 40-50% prior to the call. There are trucks in the city today and crews are working hard in the heat to get us back in service. The power has been restored to City Hall, Police and Public Works and we are no longer running on generated power. 

We hope to have Shoreacres Blvd between Hwy 146 and Broadway open this afternoon. The section that is closed between Broadway and Byway should be cleared tomorrow. We are waiting for a very large tree to be removed by crews from Precinct 2.

Commissioner Garcia asked that we relay several items for your interest. First, his team has set up cooling centers in our area if you need to rest up and charge your phones. The closest to Shoreacres will be the East Harris County Activity Center at 7340 Spencer Highway and the Bay Area Community Center at 5002 East NASA Parkway.

Second, local law enforcement is taking a zero tolerance stance against anyone that threatens or intimidates CenterPoint crews. I find it in incredible that anyone would do that and we have had no reports of those types of behaviors in Shoreacres but our officers will also take this stance. CenterPoint management certainly needs to be held accountable but the workers in the field are not responsible for any delays to our electricity service. If anything, take them a bottle of cold water and say thank you.

Third, Commissioner Garcia and CenterPoint representatives want us to spread the word about the false information being shared on Facebook and other social media platforms. There is no truth to those tall tales about CenterPoint not paying linemen, under paying them, not setting them up in hotels, not feeding them, etc. I have seen those comments and they are clearly false. No company would send their workers out of state into our area without a contract for those items. Please do not share this false information.

It’s been a long, hot and tiring week for all of us. We’re finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. It may be dim right now, but it’s there. I’m one of the 298 that are reported to be without power so I understand how frustrating the feeling of loss of control is. But soon that light will come steamrolling through and we will return to our normal lives. 

Thank you for hanging in there and showing how resilient those of us in Shoreacres are. We will recover and we will be stronger for it. If you are like me, you have found little tricks that have made life bearable during this yucky, sticky, muggy, HOT weather. We need to share those with each other!

Blessings to you and your family.

Mayor Jennings

Hurricane Beryl Recovery Update Saturday, July 13th

Good afternoon. I wanted to update you on the recovery efforts that are ongoing.

First is our electricity situation. City Manager Harrison and I have been on numerous calls with both Centerpoint and state and county officials. We have been unable to get an estimated timeframe for complete restoration of power in the city. To make matters worse, the outage map that Centerpoint is publishing is completely inaccurate. As of the time I write this, 4:15 pm on Saturday the 13th, their map shows that Shoreacres is 100% energized. Obviously, that is not the case and very few of our residents have had their power restored. Fortunately we do have some residents with power, so that gives us hope that a larger restoration will happen before Monday. As I mentioned yesterday, I expect that some of us will not have power until mid-week, my neighborhood among them.

This isn’t the news you want to hear. It isn’t the news that I want to report. But it is the best information that we have at this point. All of the surrounding cities are in the same situation as far as communications from Centerpoint. Their response has been wholly inadequate and i have been assured that they will be held accountable by our state legislature. Hopefully they will make some major changes to their operations in very short order. The hard working men and women in the field for Centerpoint deserve better from their management.

Second, we have made arrangements to have the vegetation picked up. This will not be a quick cleanup. Each street seems to have multiple truckloads to haul off. Please remember that the cleanup will be for vegetation only. Please be certain that any pile you make is free of trash or the trucks will bypass it. Palm trees are considered trash and must be in a separate pile. 

Fortunately, only one home has been reported to have taken on water. If your home has been flooded, please report it to City Hall at 281-471-2244 or use the Contact page on the city website.

I remain thankful for the attitude that you have shown during this very difficult time. I am continually blessed by the number of neighbors helping neighbors that I see. It is awe inspiring to hear about and even more inspiring when I’m able to see it personally. Please, please check on any elderly residents that you know of and if they need anything, let me know. 

Blessings to you and your family as we recover together,


Hurricane Beryl Recovery Update

Good morning. I wanted to give you an update on where the city stands in the aftermath of Hurricane Beryl.

Most of the city remains without power. At this time Centerpoint cannot give us an estimate on a timeframe for repairs. I do not anticipate that power at large will be restored before the weekend and expect that some of us will be without power until mid-week. I will update you as soon as Centerpoint gives us an estimated date.

We have not received any reports of flood damage to homes. 

The city infrastructure did not suffer any damage and water/sewer service is functioning as normal using generated power. City Hall and the Police Station are open and also running on generated power. The city staff executed our emergency planning very well and a huge pat on the back for that. They are going above and beyond to help in the recovery.

We are hopeful that debris pickup will begin on Monday. Dealing with this large of volume is difficult as there is not enough equipment available throughout the very large area affected by the hurricane. As with other storms, we will pick up all vegetation. It must be cut to reasonable size, placed by the side of the street, and palm trees must be placed in a separate pile.

I would urge you to use for more information from City Manager Troy Harrison. He has done a great job communicating with us during this event. You can find Troy’s updates at this link: Shoreacres Police Department.

If you are or know of an elderly resident in the city who needs help, please let me know. I know of several that are already receiving daily checkups, food, and phone charging.

In closing, I know this is a difficult time. Having gone through several of these storms in Shoreacres, I know that together we will get through this. It isn’t fun going through it and sometimes it is hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Already I have seen so many examples of residents helping residents that it reminds me of the reasons my wife and I choose to live here. Our community is strong and we will come through this even stronger.

Blessings to you and your family,

Mayor Jennings

Texas Flood Awareness Week May 20-24, 2024

“Don’t Be a Clown! – Turn Around. Don’t Drown!”

Welcome to flood awareness week! TFMA is dedicated to educating our communities about the importance of flood awareness and safety. To some, flooding is a rare occurrence caused by heavy rainfall, but we all know, that is not always the case.

The Turn Around Don’t Drown (TADD) program, a trademark of the National Weather Service, raises awareness about the dangers of flooding. Contrary to popular belief, TADD is not just for major floods. Even in moderate rainfall, it’s essential to be vigilant and cautious while traveling. Despite Texas ranking near the top in flood damage and flood-related deaths annually, we can prevent these situations from occurring. When traveling remember to take priority in your and others’ safety. We’ve heard of many instances in our communities of people crossing barricades and going through flooded roads thinking “it won’t happen to them.

The force of water does not clown around. We shouldn’t either! 

Boil Water Notice Rescinded

April 30, 2024

On 04/29/2024, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality required the City of Shoreacres public water system, TX 1010207, to issue a Boil Water Notice to inform customers, individuals, or employees that due to conditions which occurred recently in the public water system, the water from this public water system was required to be boiled prior to use for drinking water or human consumption purposes.

The public water system has taken the necessary corrective actions to restore the quality of the water distributed by this public water system used for drinking water or human consumption purposes and has provided TCEQ with laboratory test results that indicate that the water no longer requires boiling prior to use as of 04/30/2023.

If you have questions concerning this matter, you may contact LaWanda Weiss,Innovation Utility Operations, at (832) 942-1041.

Boil Water Notice for Community Public Water Systems

April 29, 2024

Due to low distribution pressure, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality has required the City of Shoreacres, public water system 1010207, to notify certain customers to boil their water prior to consumption (e.g., washing hands/face, brushing teeth, drinking, etc). Children, seniors, and persons with weakened immune systems are particularly vulnerable to harmful bacteria, and all customers should follow these directions).

To ensure destruction of all harmful bacteria and other microbes, water for drinking, cooking, and ice making should be boiled and cooled prior to use for drinking water or human consumption purposes. The water should be brought to a vigorous rolling boil and then boiled for two minutes.

In lieu of boiling, individuals may purchase bottled water or obtain water from some other suitable source for drinking water or human consumption purposes.

When it is no longer necessary to boil the water, the public water system officials will notify customers that the water is safe for drinking water or human consumption purposes.

Once the boil water notice is no longer in effect, the public water system will issue a notice to customers that rescinds the boil water notice in a manner similar to this notice.

Please share this information with all the other people who drink this water, especially those who may not have received this notice directly (for example, people in apartments, nursing homes, schools, and businesses). You can do this by posting this notice in a public place or distributing copies by hand or mail.

If you have questions concerning this matter, you may contact LaWanda Weiss at (832) 942-1041.